Pan Aadhaar Link process As per CBDT circular F.No. 370142/14/22-TPL dated on 30th March 2022, every person who has been allotted a PAN as of 1st July
Pan Aadhaar Linking process
As per CBDT circular F.No. 370142/14/22-TPL dated on 30th March 2022, every person who has been allotted a PAN as of 1st July 2017 and is eligible to obtain an Aadhaar number is required to link PAN with AADHAAR on or before 31st March 2022. Taxpayers who failed to do so are liable to pay a fee of Rs.500 till 30th June 2022 and thereafter a fee of Rs.1000 will be applicable before submission of the PAN-AADHAAR linkage request.
- Please pay the application fee on the '' Protean (NSDL) portal to proceed with submission of the Aadhaar-PAN linking request. Click on Proceed under CHALLAN NO./ITNS 280 for submission of the Aadhaar-PAN linking request.
- In case payment is already done on the Protean (NSDL) portal, please try linking after 4-5 working days from the date of payment.
- Please make sure fee payment is done under Minor head 500 (Fee) and Major head 0021 [Income Tax (Other than Companies)] in a single challan. In case you are still not able to submit the request, kindly check whether the payment has been made in minor head code 500 or not. If yes, then lodge a grievance or contact the Helpdesk
- NRIs
- Not a citizen of India
- Persons whose age is more than 80 years as of the date
- state of residence is ASSAM, MEGHALAYA or JAMMU & KASHMIR
Note :
Before Linking Aadhar with PAN please ensure that all the details viz Name, Fathers Name & Date of Birth should be same