Tally Shortcuts for tally and Tally ERP In the Accounting profession most of the person using tally as accounting software. Because it is easy to use

Tally Shortcuts for tally and Tally ERP
In the Accounting profession most of the person using tally as accounting software. Because it is easy to use and graphical user interface. But if you don't know the shortcuts or commands then you have to give commands via mouse instead of the keyboard. so here we made a shortcut list. In this list 86 shortcuts are given you can use them and do the work fast. The download link of the file is given below, this file is in pdf at the end of the table.Note: Maybe some shortcuts will not work in Tally Prime
Sr No. | Command | Return |
1 | - | To zoom out of the print preview |
2 | + | To zoom in on the print preview |
3 | ALT + 2 | To Duplicate a voucher |
4 | ALT + A | To Add a voucher / To Alter the column in the columnar report |
5 | ALT + I | To insert a voucher |
6 | ALT + C | To create a master (ledger or group) at a voucher screen (if it has not been already assigned a different function, as in reports like Balance Sheet, where it adds a new column to the report) to access Auto Value Calculator in the amount field during voucher entry |
7 | ALT + D | To delete a voucher |
8 | ALT + E | To export the report in ASCII, Excel, HTML OR XML format |
9 | ENTER | To accept anything you type into a field. |
10 | Alt + Enter | To view the Voucher display |
11 | CTRL + ENTER | To alter a master while making an entry or viewing a report |
12 | SHIFT + ENTER | To explore a line in its details |
13 | ALT + F10 | To select the Physical Stock Voucher Type |
14 | ALT + F12 | To filter the information based on the monetary value |
15 | ALT + F2 | To change the period |
16 | F2 | To change the current date or period |
17 | ALT + F3 | Select the company info menu |
18 | ALT + F4 | To select the Purchase Order Voucher Type |
19 | ALT + F5 | Select the Sales Order Voucher Type |
20 | ALT + F6 | To select the Rejection Out Voucher Type |
21 | ALT + F7 | To select the Stock Journal Voucher Type |
22 | ALT + F8 | Select the Delivery Note Voucher Type |
23 | ALT + F9 | To select the Receipt Note Voucher Type |
24 | ALT + G | Select the Language Configuration |
25 | ALT + K | Select the Keyboard Configuration |
26 | ALT + M | Email the report |
27 | ALT + N | To view the report in automatic columns |
28 | ALT + O | To upload the report to your website |
29 | ALT + P | To print the report |
30 | ALT + R | To repeat the narration in different voucher type |
31 | ALT + S | To bring back a line you removed using ALT + R |
32 | ALT + U | To retrieve the last line which is deleted using Alt + R |
33 | ALT + W | To view the Tally Web browser. |
34 | ALT + X | To cancel a voucher in Day Book/List of Vouchers |
35 | ALT + Y | To Register Tally |
36 | Alt + Z | To zoom in to the print preview to 100% screen |
37 | ALT+ V | From the Invoice screen to bring the Stock Journal screen |
38 | Alt+2 | Duplicate Voucher |
39 | Alt+H | Help Shortcut |
40 | Ctr l+ Alt + C | Copy the text from Tally (At the creation and alternation screens) |
41 | CTRL + A | To accept a form - wherever you use this key combination, that screen or report gets accepted as it is |
42 | CTRL + ALT + B | To check the Company's Statutory details |
43 | Ctrl + Alt + B | Check the Company's Statutory details |
44 | CTRL + ALT + F12 | Advanced Configuration |
45 | Ctrl + Alt + I | To import statutory masters |
46 | CTRL + Alt + R | Rewrite data for a Company |
47 | CTRL + ALT+ A | To select all the lines at one instance to delete/hide |
48 | CTRL + B | To select the Budget |
49 | CTRL + C | To select the Cost Centre |
50 | CTRL + E | To select the Currencies |
51 | CTRL + G | To select the Group |
52 | CTRL + H | To access the Support Centre. Wherein you can directly post your queries on the functional and technical aspects of Tally.ERP9, Shopper and Tally.Developer. |
53 | CTRL + I | To select the Stock Items |
54 | CTRL + K | To log in as a Remote Tally.NET User |
55 | CTRL + L | To select the Ledger |
56 | CTRL + O | To select the Godowns |
57 | CTRL + Q | To abandon a form - wherever you use this key combination, it quits that screen without making any changes to it. |
58 | CTRL + R | To repeat narration in the same voucher type |
59 | CTRL + S | Allows you to alter the Stock Item master |
60 | CTRL + Scroll (Mouse Wheel) | To zoom in on the print preview |
61 | CTRL + Z | To zoom in to the print preview mode |
62 | CTRL + U | To select the Units |
63 | CTRL + V | To select the Voucher Types |
64 | ESC | Clear entry / To remove what you typed into a field |
65 | F1 | To select a company |
66 | F1 | Select the Accounts Button |
67 | F1 (ALT+F1) | To select the Inventory |
68 | F1 (CTRL + F1) | TSelectPayroll Vouchers to alter |
69 | F10 | Navigate between Accounting Reports |
70 | F10 (Ctrl + F10) | To select the Memorandum voucher |
71 | F11 | Modify Company features specific to the current company only |
72 | F12 | Master Configurations, which will affect all companies in the same data directory. |
73 | F3 | To select the company |
74 | F4 | Contra Voucher (All voucher creation and alteration screens). View list of Groups (Reports groups summary, group voucher screen, cash/ bank summary) |
75 | F5 | Select Payment Voucher. Switch between Grouped and Ledger-wise Display |
76 | F6 | Select Receipt Voucher |
77 | F7 | Select Journal Voucher |
78 | F8 | Select Sales Voucher |
79 | F8 (CTRL+F8) | Select the Credit Note voucher |
80 | F9 | To select the Purchase voucher |
81 | F9 (CTRL+F9) | Select the Debit Note voucher |
82 | PgDn | Display the next voucher during voucher entry/alter |
83 | PgUp | Display previous voucher during voucher entry/alter |
84 | SPACE | Select the line to delete/hide |
85 | CTRL + SPACE | To select all the lines at one instance to delete/hide |
86 | DOG | Display >> Statutory Report >> GST Reports |
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