Excel to Tally Data Import Utility This software is useful for those who want to ease her work in a fast manner. Before start working in the software
Excel to Tally Data Import Utility
आप में से बहुत से लोग अकाउंट से संबंधित कार्य करते होगे और आप में से कई इसे Tally Accounting Software पर करते होगे | आपकी तरह ही मुझे भी कई परेशानी आती थी जिसमे इक ही तरह की एंट्री को बार-बार करना होता हो तो टाइम लगता है आर आप सब में से ही कई Microsoft Excel में expert होंगे तो मै आपको बता दू यदि आपको कई सारी एंट्री excel में मिल जाए तो आप उसे tally में ले जा सकते है बस आपको नीचे दी गई डाउनलोड लिंक से इक सॉफ्टवेर डाउनलोड करना होगा और उसमे से Excel-Tally.xls और Master.xml फाइल को Tally के फोल्डर में कॉपी करना होगा |
फिर आपको Tally में जाकर जिस कंपनी का डाटा Excel से लेना है उसे खोलिए फिर आप Display->List of Accounts में जाइये | List of Accounts खोलने के बाद ALT+E दबाकर आप एक्सपोर्ट करिये इसका फॉर्मेट html होना चाहिए और फाइल का नाम कुछ भी हो सकता है | फिर tally के फोल्डर में जाकर Excel-Tally.xls फाइल खोलकर आप import Button दबाने पर आपको get Ledger दबाना होगा उसके बाद Tally फोल्डर में Master.htm फाइल को सेलेक्ट करिये फिर आपका import complete हो गया अब आप software में दी गई instruction को follow कर उसे कर सकते है | जब आपकी फाइल तैयार हो जाये तो आपको excel में ही Generate पर क्लिक करना होगा और जो फाइल तैयार होगी उसे Tally में जाकर ImpOrt Of Data से ले जा सकते है |
Instruction in English
This software is useful for those who want to ease her work in a fast manner.
Before start working in the software below point is important:
1) This utility should be kept at a path where your tally software is installed i.e. where is tally.exe file situated e.g. C/Tally/
2) Use exact keywords of ledgers to import entries into Tally
3) You will have to enable macros to run this utility. For Excel 2007 use these steps to enable macros (Click Office Button at Top Left Corner-Click Excel Options-Trust Centers-Trust Center Settings-Macro Setting-Enable all Macros-Press Ok-Restart Excel)
4) This utility will run best in Excel 2007 or in higher versions of Excel5) If you want to paste any data press Paste button at the top or Paste Values
6) Don't move, drag or use cut function (Ctrl+X)
7)Enable Auto-Complete function of Excel (Steps-Microsoft Office Button-Excel Options--Advanced-under Editing options check the Enable AutoComplete for cell values checkbox
8) Passing entries from this utility will be much easier if you prepare a columnar purchase, sale or bank or other types of the register in excel sheet and paste it into the appropriate voucher entry sheet (Note:- Don't merge columns to prepare register. It will help you to paste data into this utility.)
9) Use Ctrl+G, Ctrl+Down Arrow Key, Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow like keys for quick navigation through the cells
10) Right-click on any button provided in sheets to know various hints & use of buttons.
Import Ledgers from Tally- It is necessary to type exact keywords to import entries into tally. Ledgers are imported from tally because while making voucher entry in excel you don't have to type the ledger name. It helps in avoiding problems while importing entries from Excel to Tally. To import ledgers from tally follow following steps.
1) Open the Tally. Select the Company, ledgers of which you want to import2) go to gateway of tally
3) Choose the Display Option. Then select List of accounts option
4) Press Alt+E or click the export button from the right panel
5) In the format option select HTML (Web-publishing). In the Resolution option, you can select any option. In the output name box, you can give any name
6) in the type of masters option select Ledgers.
7) Now export the ledgers by pressing enter button
8) Open the excel utility. Select the Import Sheet
9) Click the Import Button or press Alt+I
10) Click the Get Ledger Button and browse the window at the path where you have exported ledgers from the tally.
11) Select the file and click the open button
12) click the drop-down arrow on insert ledger wizard. Select any voucher Entry Sheet & place cursor on the ledger name column. Press Alt+I or click insert button at the top. Click the drop-down arrow. You will see that list of Ledgers of tally are showing in the list
1. Export Ledger From Excel to Tally- I have entered some values in export ledger sheet. Click the generate button. A file named Master.xml will be created at the path where you have kept this utility. It is strongly recommended that you should keep this utility at the path where your tally software is installed. For e.g. C:\Tally\. It will help you to import entries & masters in tally. If you don't do this the XML file will be created at a different path & you have to move this XML file to the path where your tally software is installed to import.
Go to Gateway of tally choose import masters button a different button is available in tally 9; ERP i.e. import of data, in this case, you have to choose the master option. In import file name box type the name of the file i.e. master.xml & in treatment of entries option you can select any option. Accept it by pressing the enter button. You will see the importing process. After importing you will see that ledgers that you have exported have been imported in tally.
2. How to insert ledgers, stock items or units at the cells where you need it - Place the cursor at the cell where you want to insert the ledger name. Press ALT+I button. You will see the insert ledger wizard. Choose the ledger name from the drop-down box. Press Enter button two times or Click Insert Ledger or Inserts Stock Item or Insert Unit button as the case may be. Ledger name, stock item or unit as the case may be will be inserted at the current cell.
3. Which sheet should be selected for voucher entry sheet - You can pass entry in S-C-VOUCHER ENTRY SHEET OR M-C-VOUCHER ENTRY SHEET OR S-S-VOUCHER ENTRY SHEET OR M-S-VOUCHER ENTRY SHEET. Here M stands for Multiple, S stands for Single, and C stands for Combined and S-stands for Simple.
For convenience select, the sheet as per instructions are given below:-If your voucher entries have more than two ledgers and you want to enter only one type of voucher you can select S-C-VOUCHER ENTRY SHEET.
If your voucher entries have more than two ledgers and you want to enter multiple types of vouchers you can select M-C-VOUCHER ENTRY SHEET.
If your voucher entries have only two ledgers and you want to enter only one type of voucher you can select S-S-VOUCHER ENTRY SHEET.
If your voucher entries have only two ledgers and you want to enter multiple types of the voucher you can select M-S-VOUCHER ENTRY SHEET.
Export Voucher entries to Tally- Follow the following steps to import entries into excel
1) Select the appropriate Voucher Entry Sheet
2) You can pass combine entries consisting of maximum 5 ledgers at a time
3) Select the voucher type
4) Select Financial year in cell L1
5) Enter the day & month in respective columns. E.g. for 01/04/10 enter 1 in day column & 4 in the month column. You don't have to enter the year.
6) After entering day & month you will see that date is showing in the Date column
7) If the voucher is a Purchase Voucher or Sale Voucher enter reference number. Don't enter the reference number for other vouchers.
8) Enter Ledger Name
9) Enter the Effect
10) Important Point: - For Purchase Entry effect for first entry should be Cr.
For Sales Entry effect for first entry should be Dr.
For Payment Entry effect for first entry should be Dr.
For Journal Entry effect for first entry should be Dr.
For Receipt Entry effect for first entry should be Cr.
For Contra Entry effect for first entry should be Cr.
11) Enter Amount in amount column
12) Similarly, other columns can be filled up in the voucher entry Sheet
13) Total Effect of Dr. & Cr. Ledgers should be equal. If there is a difference it will be notified to you when you press generate button. You can make entry consisting of a maximum 5 ledgers
14) you can Pass maximum of 2000 entries at a time
15) after making voucher entries press generate button. An XML file named with the voucher type will be created at the path where you have saved this utility
16) Go to the tally & import vouchers by entering the XML file name
In the XML file name enter XML file name & in format box select Tally (XML) format. You can do this only when you have saved this utility at the path where your tally software is installed. E.g. C/Tally/. In case you have saved this utility at another path you have to cut/copy the XML file & have to paste this XML file at the path where your tally software is installed.
17) Press the Enter button. Importing process will start. After importing is done, you will see that entries have been imported in tally.